Softweb Solutions Introduces Outstanding SharePoint Customizing Services
Released on: August 26, 2008, 2:41 am
Press Release Author: Ripal Vyas
Industry: Software
Press Release Summary: Microsoft SharePoint 2007 (MOSS), a family of products from Microsoft is a reliable solution for all business enterprises to securely collaborate and share your data with your team.
Press Release Body: Chicago, Illinois - Softweb Solutions, a leading outsourcing services provider for software and IT related products, has announced that it has come up with awesome services to customize MS SharePoint solutions as per the client's requirements to help them emerge their business.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is a complete integrated server platform that aims to provide Collaboration, Web Content Management, Enterprise Portal and Enterprise Search as well as Shared Business Processes and Shared business intelligence dash boarding to the small/medium enterprise.
SharePoint Solutions helps to sweep-off complications at your workloads, which leads productivity inside the business skyrocket, suddenly you can do more with fewer resources, both human and technical and the workforce is happy because they can work from virtually anywhere.
"SharePoint will be the way files and information is stored in the future. Don't delay, understand how this new technology will affect your small business, prepare for the future and provide the tools for your team to become successful. Do more with less and watch your small business explode", said Mr. Ripal Vyas, Chairman and CEO of Softweb Solutions. Softweb encourage visiting the Microsoft SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) website. Being a veteran of information technology, Softweb can provide you with additional information on the benefits of SharePoint Services to your business.
About Softweb Solutions
Softweb Solutions has many years of experience in providing offshore software engineering services for customers worldwide, including Global 2000 and Fortune 500 companies. Softweb is a leading provider of high-end software outsourcing development services for SMEs, specializing in custom application development, website development, system integration and software testing and quality assurance, with industry-specific software expertise in Technology, Financial, Healthcare media sectors. Softweb Solutions has its state-of-the-art software development centers in Chicago, IL as well as in India. Its software development office in India provides all offshore software development services.
To inquire more on MS SharePoint Customization contact Chicago, Illinois - Softweb Solutions, a leading outsourcing services provider for software and IT related products, has announced that it has come up with awesome services to customize MS SharePoint solutions as per the client's requirements to help them emerge their business.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is a complete integrated server platform that aims to provide Collaboration, Web Content Management, Enterprise Portal and Enterprise Search as well as Shared Business Processes and Shared business intelligence dash boarding to the small/medium enterprise.
SharePoint Solutions helps to sweep-off complications at your workloads, which leads productivity inside the business skyrocket, suddenly you can do more with fewer resources, both human and technical and the workforce is happy because they can work from virtually anywhere.
"SharePoint will be the way files and information is stored in the future. Don't delay, understand how this new technology will affect your small business, prepare for the future and provide the tools for your team to become successful. Do more with less and watch your small business explode", said Mr. Ripal Vyas, Chairman and CEO of Softweb Solutions. Softweb encourage visiting the Microsoft SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) website. Being a veteran of information technology, Softweb can provide you with additional information on the benefits of SharePoint Services to your business.
About Softweb Solutions
Softweb Solutions has many years of experience in providing offshore software engineering services for customers worldwide, including Global 2000 and Fortune 500 companies. Softweb is a leading provider of high-end software outsourcing development services for SMEs, specializing in custom application development, website development, system integration and software testing and quality assurance, with industry-specific software expertise in Technology, Financial, Healthcare media sectors. Softweb Solutions has its state-of-the-art software development centers in Chicago, IL as well as in India. Its software development office in India provides all offshore software development services.
To inquire more on MS SharePoint Customization contact
For more information on SharePoint 2007, kindly visit:
Web Site:
Contact Details: Softweb Solutions Inc. 5707 Breezeland Road, Carpentersville, Chicago, IL-60110. Ph- 866-345-7638.
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